Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This is my last semester here at the U of I and I always imagined that I would have the biggest case of seniorirtis ever, but the opposite is actually true. I am going to all my classes, getting there on time (mostly), doing all my homework and most importantly, not procrastinating has much as I did the last 3.5 years. Why did it take me this long to become so motivated? Oh well, better late than never, I suppose.

I have been an editor at buzz Magazine (Movies and TV) for almost a year now and I am just now taking JOUR 420. This really hasn't caused too many problems with my editing, but I imagine it owuld have made my job a bit easer. I probably should have done that much earlier, but it never fit into my schedule the way I liked it to. Oh well, better late than never, I suppose.

Now, to talk about things I know a lot about - Movies and TV.

TV reccomendations:
Pushing Daisies - Why don't people watch genius shows? They always get canceled way before their prime. It happened to Arrested Development, Freaks and Geeks, Firefly and now Pushing Daisies. I highly, highly reccomend this show.

Fringe - For the Sci-fi fans out there. The first 8 or so episodes range from mediocre to "meh," but after that, it gets really good. It is definitely worth sitting through the first episodes to get to the awesomeness.

That is about it. Oh sweet, Lost is on tonight.

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