Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Internet Headlines

After class on Monday, where we discussed internet headlines and keywords, I started investigating headlines used on I wanted to see what keywords brought in the most hits to stories, and how people were finding their way to our site.

the217 has a surprisingly addictive statistics page that shows number of hits per article per day. Since discovering this feature, I have spent WAY too much time looking up random articles I have written or looking at what articles get the most hits on the website.

To my surprise, an article that is in the top five most visited articles everyday is the Beverly Hills Chihuahua review that one of my writers wrote back in October, 2008. Now, why is a review that old ALWAYS in our top 5? I do not believe that that many people care about that movie.

The only reason I can think that it gets that many hits is because of the headline, "Disney meets Paris Hilton." People searching for Disney, or Paris Hilton, will eventually find that article. Certain headlines can increase traffic dramatically.

Other extremely popular articles include the one on pegging (look it up at your own risk) and the buzz's most anticipated tv of 2009.

Man...I love the internet.

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